
Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii

Color work from 1907 - 1915 (you read correctly) made in Russia.
More info can be found here and more images can be found here.

Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii


  1. Incredible ! Thank for this discover Levi.

  2. one of my most favourite photographers:)))! Mainly because he made a lot of beautiful landscape photos of my mother('s)land, Russia:) Also the technique he used is amazing. I've been thinking on trying it out, but I suppose I'm not persistant enough these days for a project like this;D...

  3. quite some time ago, before the advent of digital cameras and while the original Nintendo Gameboy was still current, there was a very simplistic and low resolution black and white camera attachment available for the Gameboy. At that time I remember someone making color pictures with that camera using this same method and I was amazed.
